Quranic Supplications

English Translation from 'The Qur'an - A new translation by M. A. S. ABDEL HALEEM'

The original text is given in Arabic, followed by its transliterated forms, as well as by the English meaning of each Du'a'.

"Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil 'akhirati hasanatan waqina 'adhaban-nar."

"Our Lord, give us good in this world and in the Hereafter, and protect us from the torment of the Fire." (2:201)

"Rabbana afrigh 'alayna sabran wa thabbit aqdamana wansurna 'alal-qawmil-kafirin."

"Our Lord, pour patience on us, make us stand firm, and help us against the disbelievers" (2:250)

"Rabbana la tu'akhizna in-nasina aw akh-ta'na. Rab-bana wa la tahmil 'alayna isran kama hamaltahu 'ala-lladhina min qablina, Rab-bana wa la tuhammilna ma la taqata lana bih, wa-'fu 'anna wa 'ghfirlana warhamna anta Maulana fansurna 'alal-qawmil kafirin."

"Lord, do not take us to task if we forget or make mistakes. Lord, do not burden us as You burdened those before us. Lord, do not burden us with more than we have strength to bear. Pardon us, forgive us, and have mercy on us. You are our Protector, so help us against the disbelievers.’" (2:286)

"Rabbana innaka man tudkhilin-nara fa-qad akhzaytahu, wa ma liz-zalimina min ansar."

"Rabbana innana sami'na munadiyan yunadi lil imani an aminu bi-Rabbikum fa-amanna, Rabbana faghfir lana dhunubana wa kaffir 'anna sayyiatina wa tawaffana ma'al-abrar. Rabbana wa atina ma wa'adta-na 'ala russuli-ka wa la tikhzi-na yauma-l-qiyamati innaka latukhlifu-l-mi'ad."

"Our Lord! You will truly humiliate those You commit to the Fire. The evildoers have no one to help them."

"Our Lord! We have heard someone calling us to faith saying 'Believe in your Lord' – and we have believed. Our Lord! Forgive us our sins, wipe out our bad deeds, and grant that we join the righteous when we die. Our Lord! Bestow upon us all that You have promised us through Your messengers – do not humiliate us on the Day of Resurrection – You never break Your promise." (3:192-194)

"Rabbi 'j'alni muqima's-Salati wa min Thurriyati, Rabbana wa taqqabal du'a', Rabbana'ghfirli wa li walidayya walil-Mu'minina yawma yaqumul-Hisab."

"Lord, grant that I and my offspring may keep up the prayer. Our Lord, accept my request."

"Our Lord, forgive me, my parents, and the believers on the Day of Reckoning" (14:40-41)

"Rabbana atina min ladunka rahmatan wa hayyi' lana min amrina rashada."

"Our Lord, grant us Your mercy, and find us a good way out of our ordeal" (18:10)

"Rabbi-'shrah li sadri wa yassirli amri wa-hlul 'uqdatan min lisani yafqahu qawli."

"Lord, lift up my heart and ease my task for me. Untie my tongue, so that they may understand my words." (20:25-28)

"Rabbana Isrif 'anna 'adhaba Jahannama, 'inna 'adhabaha kana gharama, innaha sa'at mustaqarran wa muqama."

"Our Lord, turn away from us the suffering of Hell, for it is a dreadful torment to suffer! It is an evil home, a foul resting place!" (25:65-66)

"Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wa dhuriyyatina qurrata A'yunin waj'alna lil-muttaqina imama."

"Our Lord, give us joy in our spouses and offspring. Make us good examples to those who are aware of You." (25:74)

"Rabbi awzi'ni an ashkura ni'mata-ka-llati an'amta 'alayaa wa 'ala walidayya wa an a'mala salihan tardahu wa aslih li fi dhurriyyati, inni tubtu ilaika wa inni minal-muslimeen."

"Lord, help me to be truly grateful for Your favours to me and to my parents; help me to do good work that pleases You; make my offspring good. I turn to You; I am one of those who devote themselves to You." (46:15)

"Rabbanaghfir lana wa li-ikhwaninal ladhinal sabaquna bil-Imami wa la taj'al fi qulubina ghillan lil ladhina amana Rabbana innaka Ra'ufun Rahim."

"Lord, forgive us our sins and the sins of our brothers who believed before us, and leave no malice in our hearts towards those who believe. Lord, You are truly compassionate and merciful." (59:10)

"Rabbana 'alaika tawakkalna wa ilaika anabna wa ilaikal-masir. Rabbana la taj'alna fitnatan li-lladhina kafaru waghfir lana Rabbana innaka Antal 'Azizul-Hakim."

"Lord, we have put our trust in You; we turn to You; You are our final destination. Lord, do not expose us to mistreatment [at the hands of] the disbelievers. Forgive us, Lord, for You are the Almighty, the All Wise." (60:5)

"Rabbana la tuzighqulubana ba'da idh hadaitana wa hab lana min ladun-ka rahmah, innaka antal Wahhab.

"Our Lord, do not let our hearts deviate after You have guided us. Grant us Your mercy: You are the Ever Giving." (3:8)

"Rabbana zalamna anfusana, wa in lam taghfir lana wa tarhamna la-nakunanna minal-khaasirin."

"Our Lord, we have wronged our souls: if You do not forgive us and have mercy, we shall be lost." (7:23)

" ... Anta waliyyuna faghfir lana warhamna wa Anta Khayrul-ghafirin. Waktub lana fi hadhid-dunya hasanatan wa fil-akhirati inna hudna ilay-ka."

" ... You are our Protector, so forgive us and have mercy on us. You are the best of those who forgive. Grant us good things in this world and in the life to come. We turn to You." (7:155-156)

"Rabbana la taj'alna fitnatan lil-qamidh-dhalimin. Wa najjina birahmati-ka minal qawmil-kaafirin.

"Lord! Do not make us an object of persecution for the oppressors. Save us, in Your mercy, from those who reject [Your message]." (10:85-86)


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