Islam the Fastest Growing Religion
The Changing Global Religious Landscape - Pew Research Center, April 2017 [PDF]
The Islamification of Britain: record numbers embrace Muslim faith
The Islamization of Europe: the moral vacuum of abortion and the population vacuum
50,000 French Accepted Islam In 50 Years: Intelligence - IOL
Thousands Of British Elite Embrace Islam: Study
America: Islam is finding a niche in the West
Islam spreading in Christian South Africa
Islam Attracting Many Survivors of Rwanda Genocide - Washington Post
Mohammed's religion finds a place in Haiti
Islam fastest growing faith in Australia
Where the Moors Held Sway, Allah Is Praised Again - NY Times
Seattle Times: Muslim in America
Rwanda: Islam blooms in genocide's wake
Rwanda Turns to Islam After Genocide
Muslims in Western Europe - Newsweek
Newsminer: Islam in Fairbanks
Refugees attracting Americans to Islam
CNN: Fastest growing Religion Islam
Cached [10Kb]
BIC News: Fastest and Misunderstood religion
Washington Report: Muslims in America
Islam Luring More Latinos - Washington Post
Islam to become 2nd largest faith practised in US - Times Of India
Islam is fastest-growing religion in U.S - The Sacramento Bee
Islam Offers Identity For Some Blacks - The Tampa Tribune
Do Muslims not belong in this Christian Europe? - Independent, UK
Islam 'will be dominant UK religion'
Militant Aborigines embrace Islam to seek empowerment
America Free but Immoral
Comprehensive Survey of US Muslims
Faith: Islam's third run for Europe
06/01/2018 Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion - British Muslim Magazine
06/04/2017 Why Muslims are the world’s fastest-growing religious group - Pew Research Center
16/03/2017 Islam: The world's fastest growing religion - BBC
13/11/2015 Kiwi converts among New Zealand's Muslim community - Stuff
08/06/2015 More Norwegians convert to Islam - News in English, Norway
02/04/2015 Muslim population in Europe to reach 10% by 2050, new forecast shows - The Guardian
07/07/2012 Survey: Islam is SD's fastest growing religion - The San Diego Union-Tribune
09/09/2007 More Americans converting to Islam
28/11/2005 In Philippines, watchful eye on converts - The Christian Science Monitor
14/11/2004 Muslims say faith growing fast in Africa
13/04/2004 South Korea: Islam is this country's fastest growing religion
03/06/2003 Canadian Muslims: Not Canada’s Fastest Growing Community - Media Monitors
20/06/2002 Making do without the mainstream - The Guardian
08/04/2002 Muslims in Western Europe: Dim drums throbbing in the hills half heard - The Economist
Growth of religion - Wikipedia
Converts to Islam Homepage
Latin American Muslims
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